Tuesday, April 29, 2003


just got to deal with carey a little bit.god is she adorable....as she was talking to me ....she seems to stumble around her words like some one who has something on their mind......but doesnt know quite what to do or say about it......sorta like i do when i talk to her.

man one opportunity is all that i want.....i just want a chance to make her fall for me. that day will probably never come.

im gonna just sit back and be myself with her. hopefully she will see that im sincere, and things will work my way.

i know that im hoping for way too much, a girl like carey would never be into someone like me.

lets see how much of what i want to get done actually will:
clean up room a bit
get spark plugs
go to best buy
drive past that apt
ok im taking off a little early today....
im gonna fix up my room and get organized im fuckin 26 i gotta do something over here........maybe that apartment would be good......we'll see.

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